Sure Shot Productions will film various events throughout the school year, such as house swimming and athletics days, performing arts events, valedictory dinners, along with other special events and activities in the school calendar. Along with the footage, we can also include a collection of photographs that can be scanned onto the Video, enabling us to include events such as camps, that we are unable to get video footage of. Photographs of the students from their early childhood also add a nice touch. Additionally, if there is any footage taken by the school throughout the year, we are happy to include it on the Video. We then transform all of this footage into a visual delight, jam packed with music, funny moments and unforgettable memories. We like to build a solid relationship with the school and work together with the Year 12’s to produce a Video that the students will truly love. We welcome input from the students in making decisions regarding which music to overlay a certain scene as well as other important creative aspects.